L'Aqua Natural Mineral Water, which provides a very soft water also rich in important minerals for your health.


Meet L'Aqua family: several sizes to make you company at any moment.


See the certificates we conquered along our history.


After decided and authorized by DNPM, the process of exploring the water volume to be collected and developing the water intake analysis starts. All water gathered until 2008 was collected through upwelling mines, in overflow spots of natural water (water wells), located at the base of the mountain known as Serra do Brito. Geological studies established three main exploration spots which today, after a long work, were registered as "water wells" in official departments and named Fonte Burunga (Burunga Source), Fonte Marcelo (Marcelo Source), and Fonte Marimbondo (Marimbondo Source). Later, the first collection well was built, known as "Vovó Chiquita".

Mineração Serra do Brito has all mandatory certificates from official departments necessary for its full functioning.


All the water collection planning was designed seeking environmental balance and the preservation of the natural quality of the explored product. The collecting process has the highest technological and hygiene control levels so L'Aqua can reach consumers with all of its quality and purity preserved, meeting every determination of regulatory departments.

There was the necessity to search in every upwelling mine the spot where water flows directly through rocky crevices in the most clean and limpid way, where we built intake houses.





Your opinion is very important to L'Aqua. Send us your message through here.

Estrada RJ 214, s/nº

Fazenda da Prata KM 4,5

Itaperuna - RJ

CEP: 28333-000
SAC: (22) 3847-2192

Whatsapp Comercial :


Unidade Niterói:

(21) 97393-4918



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